

Monthly Membership Subscription
Monthly Membership Subscription
Studio Classes + Live Stream + Live Stream Library Included
Studio Classes + Live Stream + Live Stream Library Included
Yoga Nordic beautiful studios and versatile services at your use
Yoga Nordic beautiful studios and versatile services at your use
139,00 €

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Welcome to Yoga Nordic Studio & Live Stream -monthly membership service! Monthly Membership is an ongoing subscription service that is valid until you end the subscription for 115€/month including all studio and live stream classes PLUS a Live Stream Video Library only available to subscribers.

From the Live Stream Video Library you can watch online classes whenever you wish, from the booking system with a browser or from your Yoga Nordic app. You can choose the beginning date of your membership yourself and that will be your monthly charge day as well. Payments go from your credit card. The membership is valid until you cancel (until the end of next month following). Monthly subscription is easily purchased from Yoga Nordic booking system or by contactin @yoganordic.fi, it cannot be purchased here from Yogishop.fi. Sports Benefits can also be used to pay monthly subscriptions, please contact customer service in order to do so.

Welcome to Yoga Nordic membership services!

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